1. Configuration

Go to "Electronic reporting" in your Worldline Account:

  • On account (PSPID) level: Select "Operations" and choose "Electronic reporting" in the sub-menu.
  • On user (USERID) level:
    1. Select "Advanced" and choose "Users" in the sub-menu.
    2. Click "Edit" for the specific user.
    3. Select "Electronic Reporting for this User" at the bottom of the page in the User's Data overview.

You can select your preferred file structure and file format for the reports.

You can define the file structure and format for each user. When you configure the electronic reporting parameters for a user, this configuration will be applied to all reports set up by this user.

Specific fields will be returned in your report, depending on the file structure.

You can choose one of the following file structures:

  • Standard
  • Extended
  • Dynamic
  • File Management

You can also choose between the following return formats:

  • XML
  • Fixed-length
  • Delimited

2. Steps

Execute the following steps to download formatted files with transaction information:

  1. Define the file format and structure on the Electronic reporting page.
  2. Use the Financial history, View transactions and View files options to select the required information.
  3. Click on the "Download" button.

Customise the output of your downloaded files with the following criteria:

  • The structure defines the data and the position of the various selected payments.
  • The format defines the output data format.
  • The "Sort by" specifications allow you to group your data according to certain values.
  • The Additional options help you to adapt the payment records' display.

3. Structure

Obtain the data by using one of the following structures:

  • Standard
  • Extended
  • Dynamic
  • File Management

Each structure has a different number (and position) of fields in the selected payments.
These fields are described in the data dictionary which includes the XML tag name, size, format and description.

3.1 Common Fields

XML Tags Description
ID Payment reference
REF Merchant's reference
ORDER Order date
LIB Status description
ACCEPT Authorisation code from acquirer

3.2 Standard

Financial history, View transactions:

XML Tags Description
See Common Fields ...
PAYDATE Payment date
CIE Company
NAME Invoicing name
COUNTRY Buyer's invoicing country (optional)
TOTAL Amount
CUR Currency
SHIP Delivery costs (optional)
TAX Taxes (optional)
METHOD Payment methods
BRAND Card type
CARD Card number
STRUCT Structured communication (optional) (e.g. for Net banking payments)

Financial history (Download Summary):

XML Tags Description
METHOD Payment methods
BRAND Card type
OWNER Cardholder's name
CARD Card number
PAYDATE Payment date
LIB Status description
TOTAL Amount
CUR Currency
NBPAY Number of transactions
BATCHREF Batch Reference

View files (selection page):

XML Tags Description
MERCHREF Merchant's reference
DATE File date
OPERATION File Operation
NBPAY Number of transactions
TRANSACTION Transaction code

3.3 Extended

For the View files (selection page) and the Financial history (summary), please refer to the Standard structure.

Financial history, View transactions:

XML Tags Description
See Common Fields ...
NCID Transaction code (NCID)
NCSTER Transaction state
PAYDATE Payment date
CIE Company
FACNAME1 Invoicing name, line 1
FACNAME2 Invoicing name, line 2 (optional)
FACSTREET1 Invoicing address, line 1 (optional)
FACSTREET2 Invoicing address, line 2 (optional)
FACZIP Invoicing postcode/ZIP (optional)
FACTOWN Invoicing city (optional)
COUNTRY Buyer's invoicing country (optional)
DELNAME1 Delivery name, line 1 (optional)
DELNAME2 Delivery name, line 2 (optional)
DELSTREET1 Delivery address, line 1 (optional)
DELSTREET2 Delivery address, line 2 (optional)
DELZIP Delivery postcode/ZIP (optional)
DELTOWN Delivery city (optional)
DELCOUNTRY Delivery country (optional)
TOTAL Amount
CUR Currency
SHIP Delivery costs (optional)
TAX Taxes (optional)
METHOD Payment methods
BRAND Card type
CARD Card number

Structured communication
(e.g. for net banking payments)

FILEID Transaction uploaded via file
ACTION Last action (Financial history)
TICKET Virtual Ticket (Financial history)
PSPID PSPID (for Merchant group users)
DESC Description

3.4 Dynamic (new extended format)

This structure contains optional fields. A detailed level is available for Purchasing, Merchant Assistant or Travel.

XML Tags Description
See Common Fields ...
NCID Transaction code (NCID)
NCSTER Transaction state
PAYDATE Payment date
CIE Company
FACNAME1 Invoicing name, line 1
COUNTRY Buyer's invoicing country (optional)
TOTAL Amount
CUR Currency
METHOD Payment methods
BRAND Card type
CARD Card number
EXPDATE Exp. date
STRUCT Structured communication (e.g. for Net banking payments)
FILEID Transaction uploaded via file
ACTION Last action (Financial history)
TICKET Virtual Ticket (Financial history)
DESC Description
SHIP Delivery costs (optional)
TAX Taxes (optional)
PSPID PSPID (for Merchant group users)
REFID Entity
REFKIND Entity type
ECI Electronic Commerce Indicator (Origin of the transaction (ECI)).
CCCTY Card-issuing country
IPCTY IP address country
CVCCHECK Card Validity Code Check
AAVCHECK Automatic Address validity Check
VC Virtual Card type
BATCHREF Batch Reference

For the "Dynamic" structure, these fields can be added at the end of the structure.

List of available fields on the "Electronic reporting" page:

XML Tags Description Note
FACNAME2 Invoicing name, line 2 Available with "View transactions"
FACSTREET1 Invoicing address, line 1 Available with "View transactions"
FACSTREET2 Invoicing address, line 2 Available with "View transactions"
FACZIP Invoicing postcode (ZIP) Available with "View transactions"
FACTOWN Invoicing city Available with "View transactions"
DELNAME1 Delivery name, line 1 Available with "View transactions"
DELNAME2 Delivery name, line 2 Available with "View transactions"
DELSTREET1 Delivery address, line 1 Available with "View transactions"
DELSTREET2 Delivery address, line 2 Available with "View transactions"
DELZIP Delivery postcode (ZIP) Available with "View transactions"
DELTOWN Delivery city Available with "View transactions"
DELCOUNTRY Delivery country Available with "View transactions"
DELDOB Delivery date of birth
TELNO Phone number
REF1 Customer reference (Ref.1) Available with "View transactions"
REF2 Customer reference (Ref.2) Available with "View transactions"
REF3 Customer reference (Ref.3) Available with "View transactions"
REF4 Customer reference (Ref.4) Available with "View transactions"
OWNER Cardholder's name Available with "Financial history" and "View transactions"
EMAIL E-mail address Available with "View transactions"
ALIAS Alias Available with "Financial history" and "View transactions"
SCORING Scoring Only for the 'Fraud detection module' with 'Scoring', otherwise not present. Available with "Financial history".
SCO_CATEGORY Scoring category Only for the 'Fraud detection module' with 'Scoring', otherwise not present. Available with "Financial history".
EXPERT_SCORING_CATEGORY Fraud Expert Scoring Category
IPADDR Request's IP address
REC_IPADDR Received IP address
OPEDESC Reason for the operation
BINCARD Card BIN number
CARDUNIQUEID Card unique identifier
ORDERDATETIME Payment dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss
PAYDATETIME Payment dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss
SUBBRAND Sub-brand
CREDITDEBIT Show credit/debit split information
DEVICE Device Available with : "View transactions"
TO_MOBILEMODE Mobile mode Available with : "Financial history","View transactions"
XF_BIC BIC/Sort code
XF_SIGNDATE Sign date (yyyymmdd)
DFP_DEVICEID Displays the fingerprint of the device (computer, mobile,…) used in the transaction Available only for merchants who have the InAuth device fingerprint option
DFP_RISK_LEVEL_CATEGORY The risk level associated with the device fingerprint. Format: 1=Low risk
2=Medium risk, suspicious
3=High risk
Available only for merchants who have the InAuth device fingerprint option
AS_FRAUD_TYPE Transactions that are classified as "dispute" by a merchant or an acquirer Actual Fraud (FRA), Suspicion of Fraud (SOF) or Commercial Dispute (COM) are also included in the list

The "WithDetail" flag can be selected on the "Electronic reporting" page.

3.4.1 Travel details

XML Tags Description
ID Payment reference (Details)
TINUM Ticket number
TIDATE Ticket Date
CONJTI Conjunction Ticket
PASNAME Passenger Name
ORCITY Departure Airport (Cod.)
DESTCITY Arrival Airport (Cod.)
ORCITYL Departure Airport
DESTCITYL Arrival Airport
CARRIER Carrier Code
BOOKIND Booking Indicator
FLNUM Flight Number
FLDATE Flight Date
CLASS Airline Class
STOPOV Stopover
VATAPPL VAT applicability
TYPCH Type of Charge
AIRTAX Airport Taxes
EYCD Destination area code
IRST Destination area code (Typ.)
CHDETL Charge Details

3.4.2 Merchant Assistant details

XML Tags Description
ID Payment reference (Details)
ITEMNAME Item name
UNITNETPRICE Item price (excl. VAT)
CUR Currency
LIDREF1 Item Reference (1)
LIDREF2 Item Reference (2)
LIDNETAMT Price (excl. VAT)

3.4.3 Purchasing details

XML Tags Description
ID Payment reference (Details)
ITEMNAME Item name
UNITNETPRICE Item price (excl. VAT)
CUR Currency
LIDREF1 Item Reference (1)
LIDREF2 Item Reference (2)
LIDNETAMT Price (excl. VAT)

3.5 File Management

For the View files (selection page) and the Financial history (summary), please refer to the Standard structure.

Financial history, View transactions:

XML Tags Description
TOTAL Amount
CUR Currency
BRAND Card type
CARD Card number
EXPDATE Exp. date
REF Your file reference
NCID Transaction code (NCID)
ID Payment reference
STATUS File status
LIB Status description
ACCEPT Authorisation code from acquirer
PAYDATE Payment date
ACTION Last action (Financial history)
TICKET Virtual Ticket (Financial history)
PSPID PSPID (Only when connected as a Merchant Group user)
DESC Description

3.6 Format

Each record corresponds to a payment. The output formats are:

  • XML: Each field describing the payment is available as a property of the <PAYMENT> tag;
  • Fixed Length: each field has a fixed size as described in the various structures above.
  • Delimited along with a separator: Each field of a payment record is separated by the specified separator (T for tab-delimited). If a value contains the separator, it will be replaced with a space in the download field, in order to avoid mismatches.

3.7 Sort by

After selecting the structure and format, you can also group your payments according to the value of the selected fields. You can choose up to 3 fields to create groups and sub-groups on 3 levels.

3.8 Name and Format of Downloaded File

You can specify the name and the extension of the downloaded file. In the file name, you cannot use specials characters like [/ . \ : * ? | < > "]

You can include dynamic parameters in the filename:

  • [DATE] for the previous date of the processed file
  • [FILEDATE] for the date of the processed file
  • [TIME] for the time of the processed file

Example: File[DATE]_[TIME] will be converted to File20111025_16134.

In the extension field, you can use any file extension with 3 characters. Specifying * in this field means that the extension will be derived from the file format:

  • '.xml' for XML
  • '.csv' for semicolon delimited values
  • '.txt' for Fixed-length or tab-delimited

3.9 Additional options

  • Header box: to make your data more readable or 'no headers' to keep only the relevant data.
  • Decimal Separator: to use in the download format [, or .].
  • With column header: to have the name (i.e. the XML Tag name) of each field on the line before the first payment (only applicable for FIX and DEL formats).
  • With Details: for merchants with Travel, Merchant Assistant or Purchasing details (only applicable for DYN format).

4. Data dictionary

Fields are sorted in ascending XML tags; for the field position; refer to Structure.

XML Tags Description Format, max length Example
AAVCHECK Automatic Address Validity Check

AN, 2: NO, OK, KO

ACCEPT Authorisation code from acquirer AN, 12 "646602"
ACTION Last action AN, 3: RES, VEN, RFD, etc. "VEN"
AIRTAX Airport taxes AN, 8 ("Travel" only details) "5.00"
ALIAS Alias AN, 50 "Client55521"
BATCHREF Batch reference AN, 20 "932"
BOOKIND Booking indicator AN, 2 ("Travel" only details) "CL"
BRAND Card type AN, 25 "VISA"
CARD Card number AN, 20: first 6 and last 2 digits "411111-XXXXXXXX-11"
CARRIER Carrier code AN, 4 ("Travel" only details) "SN"
CCCTY Card-issuing country AN, 2: BE, FR, NL, UK, .etc. "BE"
CHDETL Charge details AN, 50 ("Travel" only details) "NO"
CIE Company AN, 50 "ABSSYS Consulting S.A."
CLASS Airline class AN, 15 ("Travel" only details) "B"
CLIENTID ClientID AN, 41 "CLIENT 5554"
CONJTI Conjunction ticket AN, 3 ("Travel" only details) "NO"
COUNTRY Buyer's invoicing country AN, 35: BE, FR, NL, UK, etc. "BE"
CUR Currency AN, 3 "EUR"
CVCCHECK Card Validity Code Check AN, 2: NO,OK,KO "NO"
DATE File date AN, 10: dd/mm/yyyy "18/3/2004"
DELCOUNTRY Delivery country AN, 35: BE, FR, NL, UK, etc. "UK"
DELNAME1 Delivery name, line 1 AN, 35 "Mechelynck"
DELNAME2 Delivery name, line 2 AN, 35 "Harold"
DELSTREET1 Delivery address, line 1 AN, 35 "Bracken Place, 1"
DELSTREET2 Delivery address, line 2 AN, 35 "Box 25"
DELTOWN Delivery city AN, 25 "Southampton"
DELZIP Delivery postcode (ZIP) AN, 10 "SO16 3RB"
DESC Description AN, 100 "FAC 2004 04 25783-95628 EU"
DESTCITY Arrival Airport (Cod.) AN, 5 ("Travel" only details) "BRU"
DESTCITYL Arrival Airport AN, 20 ("Travel" only details) "Brussels National A."
ECI Electronic Commerce Indicator (Origin of the transaction (ECI)). AN, 2 "2"
EMAIL Email address AN, 20 "support@somewhere.com"
EXP Exp. date AN, 7: MM/YYYY "02/2006"
EXPDATE Expiry date (mm/yyyy) AN, 5 "02/06"
EYCD Destination area code AN, 3 ("Travel" only details) "DES"
FACNAME1 Invoicing name, line 1 AN, 35 "Mechelynck"
FACNAME2 Invoicing name, line 2 AN, 35 "Harold"
FACSTREET1 Invoicing address, line 1 AN, 35 "Bracken Place, 1"
FACSTREET2 Invoicing address, line 2 AN, 35 "Box 25"
FACTOWN Invoicing city AN, 25 "Southampton"
FACZIP Invoicing postcode (ZIP) AN, 10 "SO16 3RB"
FILEID Transaction uploaded via file AN, 15: "File"/"line") "83259/322"
FLDATE Flight date AN, 8 ("Travel" only details) "25/08/04"
FLNUM Flight number AN, 4 ("Travel" only details) "125"
ID Payment reference (detail) AN, 14 "90880/1/D"
ID Payment reference N, 12 (xxxx/xxx : Financial history) "90880/1"
IPCTY IP address country AN, 2 "UK"
IRST Destination area code (Typ.) AN, 1 ("Travel" only details) ""
ITEMNAME Item name AN, 50 (CPC/MAS only details) "Pencil Black"
ITEMNO Item ID AN, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) "PBHB2C"
LIB Status description AN, 35 "Payment Requested"
LIDDISCOUNTRATE Discount N, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) "10"
LIDGROSSAMT Price (incl. VAT) N, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) "12.50"
LIDNETAMT Price (excl. VAT) N, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) "10.01"
LIDREF1 Item reference (1) AN, 50 (CPC/MAS only details: Category, etc.) "Common Furnitures"
LIDREF2 Item reference (2) AN, 50 (CPC/MAS only details) "50 Pieces"
LIDTAXRATE VAT rate (%) AN, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) "19.6"
MERCHREF Merchant's reference AN, 50 "TESTFILE4"
METHOD Payment methods AN, 25 "CreditCard"
NBPAY Number of transactions N, 12 "2"
NCID Transaction code (NCID) AN, 10 "11933738"
NCSTER Transaction state AN, 14: State/ErrorID "3/31081001"
OPERATION File Operation AN, 3: SAL, SAS, DEL, AUT, etc. "SAL"
ORCITY Departure Airport (Cod.) AN, 5 ("Travel" only details) "OSL"
ORCITYL Departure Airport AN, 20 ("Travel" only details) "Oslo Airport"
ORDER Order date AN, 10: dd/mm/yyyy "18/3/2004"
OWNER Cardholder name AN, 35 "Frederic"
PASNAME Passenger name AN, 50 ("Travel" only details) "M/A H.Mechelinck"
PAYDATE Payment date AN, 10: dd/mm/yyyy "18/3/2004"
PSPID PSPID AN, 20 "AbssysTest"
QUANTITY Quantity AN, 8 (CPC/MAS only details) "3"
REF Merchant's reference AN, 15 "FAC2004-0425783"
REF Your file reference N, 10 "3081"
REF1 Customer reference (Ref.1) AN, 20 "12/25"
REF2 Customer reference (Ref.2) AN, 35 "CR666548"
REF3 Customer reference (Ref.3) AN, 20 (CustNo, etc.) "CN100254"
REF4 Customer reference (Ref.4) AN, 20 (Cost Centre, etc.) "CC125"
REFKIND Entity type AN, 6 (MGID, PSPID, etc.) "PSPID"
SCORING Scoring N, 4 "25"
SCO_CATEGORY Scoring category AN, 1: [R]ed, [O]range, [G]reen "G"
SHIP Delivery costs AN, 10 "0.00"
STATUS File status AN, 20 (processed, loaded, etc.) "processed"
STATUS Status N, 5 "9"
STOPOV Stopover AN, 1 ("Travel" only details) "NO"
STRUCT Structured communication AN, 12 "000000000101"
TAX Taxes AN, 15 "0.00"
TICKET Virtual Ticket

AN, 255

Max 50 ch in fixed strucure, up to 255 in dynamic structure (xml & csv)

"18/03/04 12:08 - VISA 4111XXXXXXXXXXXX Successful"
TIDATE Ticket date AN, 8 ("Travel" only details) "16/03/04"
TINUM Ticket number AN, 16 ("Travel" only details) "0822150542247"
TOTAL Amount N, 15 "10.89"
TRANSACTION Transaction code AN, 3 (ATR, MTR etc.) "ATR"
TYPCH Type of charge AN, 2 ("Travel" only details) "A"
UID UID AN, 12 "16574444"
UNITNETPRICE Item price (excl. VAT) AN, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) "10.01"
USERID User AN, 20 "FDB"
VATAPPL VAT applicability AN, 1 "Y"
VC Virtual Card type AN, 3 (NO, ICN, ECB, etc.) "NO"